[Paraview] pqPipelineSource::visibilityChanged() not fired when a downstream filter changes visibility

Takuya OSHIMA oshima at eng.niigata-u.ac.jp
Sat Nov 24 22:34:04 EST 2012


My custom reader panel (a pqAutoGeneratedObjectPanel) hooks the
pqPipelineSource::visibilityChanged() signal of the corresponding
reader proxy. I noticed that the signal used to be fired when a
downstream filter that changes the visibility of the input
(e.g. Slice) is added with PV 3.14.1 (+ earlier versions) and 3.98.0
RC3 when I --use-old-panels, but does not with the new panels of the
RC3 (OS X 10.6.8, Qt 4.8.3, CMake 2.8.10).

I attached a test plugin code to demonstrate the problem (a modified
Examples/Plugins/GUIObjectPanel). Try:
Build the plugin
Start ParaView from a command terminal (with/without --use-old-panels)
Load the plugin
Sources - Cone, Apply
Filters - Slice, Apply

The expected behavior is a "Visibility changed" output on the terminal
when a slice is added because it turns off the visiblity of the cone
source.  It works as expected when ParaView is started with
--use-old-panels but not without the option.

Can anybody give me an insight?

Takuya OSHIMA, Ph.D.
Faculty of Engineering, Niigata University
8050 Ikarashi-Ninocho, Nishi-ku, Niigata, 950-2181, JAPAN
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