[Paraview] Help with Particle Pathline filter...

Charles Boivin charles.boivin at mayahtt.com
Tue Mar 6 09:57:19 EST 2012


I have a series of particle data  files that I have written using the VTK XML PolyData file format (.vtp, I guess). I can use those to display the actual particles just fine with glyphs, but I'd like to also see a pathline being displayed for particles. I am therefore trying to use the 'Particle Pathline' filter.

The particles are simulated in a flow field, where new particles come in and older particles leave the system at every timestep. I therefore also have a 'point data' array called "ParticleID" which tags a unique ID to each particle (starting with a zero index). It is defined as such:

  <DataArray type="Int32" Name="ParticleID" NumberOfComponents="1" format="ascii">
... other arrays...

When I try to use this array as the "Id Channel Array" in the filter, however, I get no output whatsoever from the filter. I think the rest of the file is correct because the filter DOES generate pathlines when I leave the "Id Channel Filter" to "Global or Local IDs", but the paths get messed up as soon as some particles start leaving the domain (as they should, I guess).

What am I doing wrong? Do I need to define this 'ParticleID' array differently?

Thank you for your help,

Charles Boivin

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