[Paraview] FieldView to ParaView Converter

Paul Wells pauljwells at mac.com
Sat Aug 11 09:29:59 EDT 2012

I have been asked a few times for this and the original link died. So 
here it is again. It is not a general converter - it only works for 
ascii output for unstructured surface meshes and streamlines and the 
output is legacy vtk. This was all I needed when I wrote it.

The original c++

A new Python port

A Windows executable packaged using py2exe - put the .exe on your 
desktop and drag a Fieldview file onto the icon. The converted file will 
be written back to the same directory as the original but with '.vtk' 
appended to the name.

If this is useful to you, or you have comments/requests/patches please post.

Paul Wells

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