[Paraview] Opening Tiff file in ParaView (by converting to raw)

Hal Canary hal at cs.unc.edu
Fri Aug 10 08:17:20 EDT 2012

On 08/09/2012 04:24 AM, james.walker at diamond.ac.uk wrote:
> I am trying to open some Tiff (.tif) files in ParaView, which contain
> an image sequence. I have converted the Tiff files to .raw format
> (using ImageJ) and opened them in ParaView using the "Raw (binary)
> Files" reader. But I am unable display the object, I get various
> errors been shown in the Output Messages window.
> Can anyone guide me of the values to be used in "Properties" tab for
> correctly interpreting a .tif file converted to .raw?
> I have uploaded one of the Tiff files I am using here:
> https://www.dropbox.com/s/39gr4ik03l8fmoh/nir_tomo.tif It was
> originally a 32bit Tiff file, but I converted it to 8bit to reduce
> the file size.
> Thanks for any help James

I messed around with it a little more and was able to extract raw binary 
from the tiffs with GraphicsMagick's convert:

     $ convert nir_tomo.tif nir_tomo.gray

I then verified that the file size was correct:

     $ ls -l nir_tomo.gray
     -rw-rw-r-- 1 hal hal 22048706 Aug 10 07:57 nir_tomo.gray
     $ echo $(( 239 * 239 * 386 ))

Then I opened it in ParaView as a raw binary file.  I specified the 
extent as [0,238,0,238,0,385], since the dimensions of the image were 

Here is a screenshot: http://cs.unc.edu/~hal/images/nir_tomo

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