[Paraview] Save Multi-Block DataSet to Numpy Array

Colin McAuliffe cjm2176 at columbia.edu
Wed Nov 16 09:22:57 EST 2011

Hello all,

I would like to save some of the simple datasets within a multiblock  
data set, in particular the result of a plot selection over time  
filter, to a numpy array file with numpy.savetext('file.txt', data)

I have tried the following in the programmab;e filter, but each time  
paraview aborts:

import numpy as np
np.savetxt('test.txt', inputs[:,0])

where inputs is the dataset from plot selection over time

Are the multiblock datasets numpy compatible or is there perhaps some  
kind of format conversion needed to make them so?


Colin McAuliffe
PhD Candidate
Columbia University
Department of Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics

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