[Paraview] Enzo data

Matthew Turk matthewturk at gmail.com
Tue Feb 22 14:59:23 EST 2011


I'm somewhat new to ParaView, and I'm trying to load up Enzo data with
3.10.0-RC1.  I am able to open the Enzo .hierarchy file, but upon
loading I am greeting with numerous errors (one for every .cpu file,
in fact) of the type:

ERROR: In /Users/partyd/Kitware/ParaView-3.10/source/Servers/Filters/vtkEnzoReader.cxx,
line 1965
vtkEnzoReader (0x122c2e5a0): Failed to open particles file .\DD0252.cpu0062

which end up with the block structure existing, but no data being made
available.  Looking in the .hierarchy file, under the entry for the
CPU 0062 file (for instance, but this is true for all of the files) I

Grid = 63
Task              = 62
GridRank          = 3
GridDimension     = 70 70 70
GridStartIndex    = 3 3 3
GridEndIndex      = 66 66 66
GridLeftEdge      = 0.5 0 0
GridRightEdge     = 0.75 0.25 0.25
Time              = 630.69842031748
SubgridsAreStatic = 0
NumberOfBaryonFields = 12
FieldType = 0 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 19
BaryonFileName = DD0252.cpu0062
CourantSafetyNumber    = 0.500000
PPMFlatteningParameter = 0
PPMDiffusionParameter  = 0
PPMSteepeningParameter = 0
NumberOfParticles   = 285659
ParticleFileName = DD0252.cpu0062
GravityBoundaryType = 0
Pointer: Grid[63]->NextGridThisLevel = 64

The .hierarchy file is including references relative to the .hierarchy
file, and I can verify that these files are there.  My guess is that
these are being translated to using the windows-style path delimiter
(as seen above in the error message), and a brief examination of
Servers/Filters/vtkEnzoReader.cxx suggests that this *may* be the
case, as on lines 66 and 67 the delimiter is set to be "\" with these

#define     ENZO_READER_SLASH_CHAR    '\\'
#define     ENZO_READER_SLASH_STRING  "\\"

I'm not entirely sure how the ParaView reader internals work, but I
was wondering if somebody could give me a hint about this?  Am I
loading the file wrong?

Thanks very much for any ideas!



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