[Paraview] Paraview & OSX, reproducible crash probably due to something in the input file...

Filippo Spiga filippo.spiga at disco.unimib.it
Wed Sep 8 13:05:19 EDT 2010

  Michael Jackson ha scritto:
> You have a NULL pointer exception in the pqSILModel::update() method.
>  libpqComponents.dylib             0x00000001004be293 
> pqSILModel::update(vtkGraph*) + 883

Ok, but how I can avoid this problem? and is this problem dependent from 
something in my input? How can I discover the bug/error?



  Filippo SPIGA                MSc, HPC and GRID Technologist
  tel.:   +39 340 8387735      skype: filippo.spiga

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