[Paraview] Time dependent data : timestep read from file

Favre Jean jfavre at cscs.ch
Wed Sep 1 08:21:27 EDT 2010

May I suggest the following syntax? use a file with suffic .pvd and describe the collection with the following list. You may specify all timestep values explicitly

<VTKFile type="Collection" version="0.1" byte_order="LittleEndian">
    <DataSet part="0"  timestep="0" file="td_0.vtu"/>
    <DataSet part="0"  timestep="0.1" file="td_1.vtu"/>
    <DataSet part="0"  timestep="0.3" file="td_2.vtu"/>
    <DataSet part="0"  timestep="0.66" file="td_3.vtu"/>
    <DataSet part="0"  timestep="0.87" file="td_4.vtu"/>
    <DataSet part="0"  timestep="0.99" file="td_5.vtu"/>

Jean M. Favre
Scientific Computing Research
Swiss National Supercomputing Center
CH-6928 Manno

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