[Paraview] Xdmf GlobalID attribute removed by Clip

Eric E. Monson emonson at cs.duke.edu
Mon Apr 19 13:48:54 EDT 2010


It seems that we're sort of getting the worst of both worlds right now ParaView and Xdmf GlobalID AttributeType: Besides not being read in as "idtype", a Clip filter removes the GlobalID attribute from the data set.

Attached is a simple XML example adapted from the Xdmf source data sets, but with a duplicate scalar point attribute labeled as AttributeType="GlobalID". Load it into PV and apply a Clip filter and you'll see the IDvalues array disappear.

I see this behavior with PV 3.8-RC1 and last week's CVS, but not with 3.6.2. I can't remember if the Xdmf reader in 3.6.2 had GlobalID type or not. (OS X 10.6.3)

I can file a bug report for this if someone can replicate it.

Thanks a lot,

Eric E Monson
Duke Visualization Technology Group

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