[Paraview] bug with plot on sorted lines in parallel

Paul Edwards paul.m.edwards at gmail.com
Mon Oct 19 10:18:44 EDT 2009

I just tried merging the blocks coming from "plot on sorted lines" and
it is the same as the slice that was given as input (although it is an
unstructured grid rather than polydata).  If I then plot the data it
will still connect up the two circles (see attached image).

I also tried the "Scatter Plot" filter but it is actually the same as
the "Plot Data" filter (is this work in progress?).  However, I have
noticed that I can set the line style to "None" and marker style to
"Cross" (as shown in scatterplot.png) which solves my current problem
for plotting axial position against pressure (although it would still
be nice to have lines connected up in the same was as the polydata).


2009/10/19 Berk Geveci <berk.geveci at kitware.com>:
> Out of curiosity, did you try to merge the blocks coming out of "plot
> on sorted lines"? Also, I am not sure I understand what you mean by
> "he current scatter plot filter joins up points". I didn't use the
> scatter plot view yet.
> -berk
> On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 9:13 AM, Paul Edwards <paul.m.edwards at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I don't blame you - it's not my most coherent email ;)
>> I've attached an image and state file for an example of what I was
>> trying - note the select block in the display tab.  But now I think I
>> know what is happening - the "Plot On Sorted Lines" filter is creating
>> a block for each sorted line it produces (I wrongly thought this was
>> one per process).  Still this isn't actually what I need as I am
>> trying the plot the pressure for a spanwise slice of a rotor and
>> stator against the axial position.  Ideally I would like the graph to
>> be joined by the edges connecting the points in the polydata.  Even a
>> scatter graph would be ok but the current scatter plot filter (CVS
>> version) joins up points (is that supposed to happen?).  Have you any
>> suggestions to get my desired plot?
>> Thanks,
>> Paul
>> 2009/10/16 Berk Geveci <berk.geveci at kitware.com>:
>>> Sorry for being dense, but I don't follow you :-) Is there a way of
>>> showing this with an image or something?
>>> On Fri, Oct 16, 2009 at 4:34 AM, Paul Edwards <paul.m.edwards at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> When I use plot on sorted lines running with partitioned data I get
>>>> multiple blocks showing for a single partitioned block.  The same data
>>>> is shown as one block with the plot data filter.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Paul
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