[Paraview] Can a plugin add its documentation to PV Online Help window?

Karl König kkoenig11 at web.de
Thu Oct 1 11:04:35 EDT 2009


in short:
Is there any means to have a plugin extend the Online Help (at least for PV CVS)? There is no mention of this in neither tutorials, wiki nor released plugins nor plugin examples in the PV source tree.

a bit more elaborate:
When using a plugin that provides a panel (like a custom filter or reader), there is always a help button. Clicking it the Output Messages window will raise the error
like "QTextBrowser: No document for qthelp://paraview.org/paraview/Documentation/FooSeriesReader.html". So, we learn there is already a generic reference to a help file and there is no need to update somehow the PV help index itself for the time being. The error leads me to believe that I only have to somehow squeeze in my own HTML file.

Obviously, there is no cmake variable BUILD_DOCUMENTATION when one compiles its own plugin. So, I tried manually, but unsuccessfully. My guess was to 

* have CMakeLists.txt include a *.qrc file instead of a *.xml file
      GUI_RESOURCES FooReaderGUI.qrc

* extend this *.qrc file to not only include the GUI xml, but also a reference to a HTML or a Qt compiled help file (in the same way as it is done in Qt/Components/pqExtraResources.qrc and Applications/StreamingParaView/pqExtraResources.qrc):

     <qresource prefix="/ParaViewResources" >
         <file alias="Documentation/FooSeriesReader.html">pqFooReader.qch</file>

* and finally by compiling this pqFooReader.qch from pqFooReader.qhp, a file designed according to
./Documentation/pqClient.qch using Qt 4.5.2's qhelpgenerator

Everything compiles fine (against PV CVS as of today), but clicking on the help button when the custom reader's panel appears, still the same error is raised. I guess the alias in the *.qrc is incorrect? Anyone got this working already?

Many thanks for hints

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