[Paraview] cmake issue

Kevin H. Hobbs hobbsk at ohiou.edu
Thu Nov 12 06:04:00 EST 2009

On 11/12/2009 04:28 AM, Fred Fred wrote:
> I try to build PV according to the recommandations, that is create a
> binary directory, go there and run ccmake <PV tree root>
> and I get an error message that advice me to create a binary directry,
> go there and so
> So I add a line at the beginning of the CMakeLists.txt file so as to
> print the values of ParaView_SOURCE_DIR and ParaView_BINARY_DIR and I
> get the same value, which is actually the source value. So it means
> that cmake fails getting the current directory name. My PWD shell
> variable is ok so any idea?

Please tell us exactly what commands you are using.

Please tell us the version of CMake you are using.

Did you get ParaView from CVS?

Did you download one of the release tarballs?

When I build from one of the release tarballs I do :

[kevin at murron tmp]$ tar -xzf paraview-3.6.1.tar.gz
[kevin at murron tmp]$ mkdir ParaView3_Build
[kevin at murron tmp]$ cd ParaView3_Build/
[kevin at murron ParaView3_Build]$ ccmake ../ParaView3

[kevin at murron ParaView3_Build]$ make -j 8

and everything seems to work OK

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