[Paraview] How can I use Cg libraries in Paraview?

Biao She shebiao at gmail.com
Tue May 26 19:32:51 EDT 2009

Hi everyone.
I am trying to test some cg programs with Paraview, especially volume
rendering programs. It seems that Paraview use opengl arb extension for
volume rendering (vtkOpenGLVolumeTexture3D.cxx). I am wondering how should I
change Paraview's cmakelists files so that I can compile and use cg programs
in Paraview? For instance, I want to use a cg fragment program to replace
the arb fragment program(.asm) in vtkOpenGLVolumeTexture3D.cxx, how to
correctly include cg header and lib files so that no error occurs when
compiling vtkOpengGLVolumeTexture3D.cxx?
Thanks very much for your help!

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