[Paraview] particle tracking

Bastil2001 at yahoo.de Bastil2001 at yahoo.de
Tue Mar 24 16:03:49 EDT 2009

Hi Berk, Jean,

Is this something more than a few users would want?
Yes I would b e very interested, Jeans workaround only works for 
streamlines calculated either "forwards" or backwards" but not "both"

Jean, how do you exactly do please?
-Then iso-contour the streamline object with the scalar field 
"IntegrationTime". Use a single threshold. (Contour filter?)
-Then animate the threshold value. Use Mode=Sequence, get a ramp between 
minimum time and maximun time. (How?)
-Use Glyphs (small spheres or arrows) attached to the iso-valued 
contours and they will "animate" their position along the streamlines. 

Thanks BastiL

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