[Paraview] Generating a distribution of ParaView with Plugin

Rafael March rafaelmarch3 at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 18 10:36:51 EDT 2009


I've developed a plugin for ParaView, and now I would like to distribute it to some researchers, so that they can use it. As the binaries of ParaView in the website aren't compiled with support to shared libs, I think I must pack my own version of it. 

What I would like to do, is to give them a zipped folder with a distribution of ParaView and the dll of the plugin (Windows environment). They should execute a .bat file (which would set environment variables like PATH and PV_PLUGIN_PATH) to get ParaView to run, and automatically put my filter in the filter menu. 

The question is: how to get this to work ? I've tried to copy the folder which Visual Studio creates when I build the project INSTALL (I thought this would be what I needed: a distribution of ParaView), but I'm getting problems to run ParaView by this folder in another computer. 

Any tips?

Rafael March.  

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