[Paraview] CellDataToPointData in paraview script

Berk Geveci berk.geveci at kitware.com
Thu Mar 5 11:52:47 EST 2009

To easily diagnose such mistakes (which I make ALL the time), I made
changes to cvs ParaView such that you cannot add arbitrary attributes
to proxy objects. When we release the next version, this script will
produce an exception.


On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 3:16 AM, Luc Bordier <luc.bordier at sirehna.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I forgot the "e" for ColorAttributeType (and not ColorAttributType)
> stupid mistake.
> thanks anyway
> _________________________
> Luc Bordier
> R&D Engineer
> luc.bordier at sirehna.com
> http://www.sirehna.com
> 1, rue de la Noe
> BP 42105
> 44321 NANTES CEDEX 3
> Tel: +33 2 51 86 02 80
> Fax: +33 2 40 74 17 36
> _________________________
> Peter Brady a écrit :
>> Hi,
>> I had a similar problem a while back.  Try applying the
>> CellDataToPointData filter before the cut filter.
>> Hope it works,
>> Peter.
>> On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 3:06 AM, Luc Bordier <luc.bordier at sirehna.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I'm starting to use paraview in script mode using pvpython.
>>> I succeeded to load my data and to make a representation of my U CellData
>>> fields using a Cut() filters.
>>> This works fine.
>>> But now I would like to have the magnitude of my U field for PointData
>>> and
>>> I'm stuck in the use of CellDataToPointData filter.
>>> The following script only give me a blank field for my Cut() when passing
>>> trough the CellDataToPointData filter.
>>> Surely I forgot something (interpolation, choice of component of field),
>>> but
>>> even by looking at the dir() and help() I didn't manage to have my field
>>> interpolated at points and represented in colors.
>>> Thanks for anyone who could give me hints to solve this problem.
>>> python script :
>>> con = servermanager.Connect()
>>> vtkf =
>>> servermanager.sources.LegacyVTKFileReader(FileNames="VTK\\design71_1.vtk")
>>> vtkf.UpdatePipeline()
>>> implicit_functions = servermanager.createModule("implicit_functions")
>>> plane = implicit_functions.Plane()
>>> plane.Origin = [0,0,-0.5]
>>> plane.Normal = [0,0,1]
>>> zcut = servermanager.filters.Cut()
>>> zcut.Input = vtkf
>>> zcut.CutFunction = plane
>>> zcut.ContourValues = [0]
>>> zcut.UpdatePipeline()
>>> pdata = servermanager.filters.CellDataToPointData(Input=zcut)
>>> pdata.UpdatePipeline()
>>> view = servermanager.CreateRenderView()
>>> view.ViewSize = [1440, 900]
>>> rep = servermanager.CreateRepresentation(pdata,view)
>>> lt = servermanager.rendering.PVLookupTable()
>>> rep.LookupTable = lt
>>> rep.ColorAttributType = 0
>>> rep.ColorArrayName = 'U'
>>> lt.RGBPoints = [0, 0, 0, 1, 15.0, 1, 0, 0]
>>> lt.ColorSpace = 1
>>> view.ResetCamera()
>>> camera = view.GetActiveCamera()
>>> camera.SetPosition(0.85, 0, 8.55)
>>> camera.SetFocalPoint(0.85, 0 , -0.5)
>>> view.StillRender()
>>> view.WriteImage("test.png","vtkPNGWriter", 1)
>>> --
>>> _________________________
>>> Luc Bordier
>>> R&D Engineer
>>> luc.bordier at sirehna.com
>>> http://www.sirehna.com
>>> 1, rue de la Noe
>>> BP 42105
>>> 44321 NANTES CEDEX 3
>>> Tel: +33 2 51 86 02 80
>>> Fax: +33 2 40 74 17 36
>>> _________________________
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