[Paraview] Parallel Paraview

Natalie Happenhofer nataliehapp at hotmail.com
Wed Mar 4 10:26:17 EST 2009

I´m not sure if I understood well how Paraview is working in parallel mode:
I have started Paraview in client/server mode, i.e. with 
mpirun -np 8 ./pvserver
and then I started the client and connected. 

I´m not sure how this works with filters: I´ve written a few filters, and when I run Paraview in parallel, is the filter parallelized as well, automatically? That on every piece of data the filter is applied separately and necessary data of other pieces is send there by mpi? Or is the filter computed on a single node and I have to change something in order to make it work parallel?
Applying the ProcessId-Filter on the output of my filter, it says that it was computed separately on every piece of dataset, I´m just wondering, because the filter uses the whole dataset to compute the desired output.. 

thx for explaining,

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