[Paraview] Glyph scaling and orienting

mirko heuegger mheuegger at gmail.com
Mon Mar 2 07:13:33 EST 2009


On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 11:35 AM, Pawel Krupinski <exmeson at yahoo.com> wrote:

> - [ cut ] -
> - [  glyphs scaled by components of vector data and glyph-orientation
>      by another vector.  ] -
> Does anybody know a way (or workaround) for doing this?

I suggest that you 'convert' one vector data into a scalar (e.g. over
the Calculator-filter, and by using the functions: mag(<vector>),
iHat.<vector>, jHat.<vector>, or kHat.<vector> (magnitude, X, Y, and Z
of a vector) for calculating the desired vector-parts).
Then change the 'Scale Mode', of the Glyph-filter, to 'scalar', and
select the calculation-result as scalar-field.



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