[Paraview] Visualising Cardiac Data

Jonathan Stott jonathan.stott at gmail.com
Wed Jul 15 18:12:21 EDT 2009

Hello All

I mode cardiac electrophysiology, in realistic models of the heart.  My
geometry model is a finite differences grid of around 250*250*300
nodes.  Of these nodes, about 1/10th (or 1.6 million nodes) actually
correspond to nodes which have active cells.  These active cells are
the ones I want to visualise.  What I do at the moment is output a big
block of data to represent every cell, active or not, and then
threshold to remove the unwanted cells.  However this process is
(relatively) slow, and seems to cause paraview to crash when I ask it
to create a movie, so I am looking for a better option.  I've played
about with options such as 'extract surface' and 'Tetrahedralize' which
appear to get me surfaces which load up much quicker, but I have
thousands of datafiles, so manually creating one Tetrahedralized file per
dataset is not that practical.

How could I automate their creation?  Or is there a better option?


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