[Paraview] particles rendering with input radii

Griffa, Michele Michele.Griffa at empa.ch
Tue Jul 7 03:28:45 EDT 2009

Thanks a lot Sreejith

That worked perfectly for my case and I think it should work in general when you want to render spherical particles with their real radius.

Best regards


Michele Griffa, Ph.D.
EMPA, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Testing and Research (ETH Domain)

Überlandstrasse 129
8600, Dübendorf, Switzerland

Ph.: +41 (0) 44 823 4789
Fax: +41 (0) 44 823 4009
email: michele.griffa at empa.ch<mailto:michele.griffa at empa.ch>
Web site: http://www.empa.ch<http://www.empa.ch/>

Personal web site: http://www.calcolodistr.altervista.org<http://www.calcolodistr.altervista.org/>

From: Sreejith Pulloor [mailto:sreejithpk at gmail.com]
Sent: Montag, 6. Juli 2009 18:58
To: paraview at paraview.org; Griffa, Michele
Subject: Re: particles rendering with input radii

On Mon, Jul 6, 2009 at 6:00 PM, <paraview-request at paraview.org<mailto:paraview-request at paraview.org>> wrote:

Today's Topics:

  1. particles rendering with input radii (Griffa, Michele)
  2. Re: Streaming ParaView (Jeff Baumes)


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 6 Jul 2009 16:04:56 +0200
From: "Griffa, Michele" <Michele.Griffa at empa.ch<mailto:Michele.Griffa at empa.ch>>
Subject: [Paraview] particles rendering with input radii
To: "paraview at paraview.org<mailto:paraview at paraview.org>" <paraview at paraview.org<mailto:paraview at paraview.org>>
       <9BC9FBFF861642438F019598EBB769AD2DE316377D at DU-EXC-MAIL.empa.emp-eaw.ch<mailto:9BC9FBFF861642438F019598EBB769AD2DE316377D at DU-EXC-MAIL.empa.emp-eaw.ch>>

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Hello everybody

I'm using Paraview 3.4.0 to visualize 2D/3D geometrical models of systems made of spherical particles.
My input file contains the information about a VTK unstructured grid.
Each node of the grid is the center of one spherical particle.
Associate to each node there is a scalar parameter representing the radius of the particle.

after importing the VTK unstructured grid dataset I applied to it the sphere glyph filter.
I choose to scale each glyph according to the scalar PointData "radius" in order to visualize different sphere according to their size.

Considering that a value "Radius" is also defined in the "Glyph Type - Sphere2 section of the filter's "Properties" tab, which will be the final actual size for each spherical particle ?

I mean, how does Paraview handle simultaneously there two pieces of information in the case of multiple spherical glyphs with different size ?
One piece is the fixed radius, the other is the imported value for the radius used for scaling the size of the different sphere ?

I guess my question is strictly related to this other question: how is the scaling performed when a 1D array of scalars is used as Scale Mode ?

Any Tutorial or source of information about this detail ?

How can I choose the "Radius" parameter in the "Properties" tab of the glyph filter such that the actual radii of the rendered particles correspond to the real values assigned to the unstructured grid ?

I also do similar things and  what I used to do is

- to choose  glyph type sphere
- Scalar   radii
 - set Radius as 1 (in the Sphere tab just after Center property)
- select scale mode scalar
- set scale factor 1

Then it should correspond to real values...
Hope other would correct me if I am being wrong here


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