[Paraview] probing issues

Jean Favre jfavre at cscs.ch
Fri Feb 13 10:05:04 EST 2009

I have two vtkImageData (one source, one input for the Probe Filter)

DatasetOne (the probe source) has extents [0,31,0,31,0,31] and has one
scalar field
DatasetTwo (the probe input)  has extents [-15,16, -15,16, -15, 16] and
has no PointData or CellData

I am running into several problems:

"Resample with dataset" cannot be connected to DatasetTwo because it is
checking that the Input dataset has a data array to sample. This seems
to be the opposite of what should be enforced. It is the Source dataset
which should be checked for the existence of DataArrays to sample.

Fine, one can get around this and select the Source object, instantiate
a Probe, revert the pre-assigned role of Source being used as Input. So,
I set the source object to be DatasetOne, the input object to be
DatasetTwo. Click apply and the error is:

line 704

vtkCompositeDataPipeline (0x1755b60): The update extent specified in the
information for output port 0 on algorithm
vtkPythonProgrammableFilter(0x17549e0) is 0 31 0 31 0 31, which is
outside the whole extent -15 16 -15 16 -15 16.

What is happening is that the Update Extent of the Source object is
propagated to the Input object, which cannot satisfy the request because
its WholeExtent is outside the range.

That does not seem right to me. One should be able to probe any dataset
with any source, regardless of their relative UpdateExtents. Right or wrong?

I've included a script to replicate this: use "ProbeSource" as Source,
and Probe Input as Input. Click Apply.

Swiss National Supercomputing Center
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