[Paraview] Why is PKdTree used for IMAGE Volume Rendering?

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Thu Feb 12 14:56:38 EST 2009


The KdTree is still built (using the partitions from the structured
dataset set itself -- hence isn't a very compute intensive task) just
in case it's needed to partition any unstructured data, hence you're
seeing the PKdTree progress. But I don't think that's where it is
hanging. Is the progress bar saying PKtree:100 ? It may actually have
frozen in the volume rendering code. Is it possible to attach a
debugger to any of the server processes and see where it's stuck
(provide the stack trace if possible)?


On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 2:37 PM, Kevin H. Hobbs <hobbsk at ohiou.edu> wrote:
> On Thu, 2009-02-12 at 14:26 -0500, Utkarsh Ayachit wrote:
>> Do you have any unstructured data being rendering in  the scene?
> No, just one big .vti image.

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