[Paraview] Poor movie quality (revisited)

Renato N. Elias rnelias at nacad.ufrj.br
Mon Oct 27 09:35:50 EDT 2008

Some time ago I reported the poor quality of the movies that I've been 
creating in PV version 3. They seem darkened (I turned on the lights) 
and with low resolution (952 x 554 seems to be a good resolution). No 
one answered me and I concluded that the problem was some 
misconfiguration I made. Ok, but the problem is that I'm still not able 
to save any avi file with a decent quality using PV3. In PV2, any movie 
produced had, at least, the same quality of the still images rendered on 
main window. What's the difference between PV2 and PV3 in terms of movie 
rendering? Is there anything that I could configure to solve it?

Thanks for any help


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