[Paraview] Picking laptop hardware for significant use with VTK and ParaView

Dan Goldstein dan at cora.nwra.com
Thu Apr 17 12:01:28 EDT 2008

   Can I get some quick feedback on how ParaView and VTK is running
on the MacBook Pro laptops? Is opengl hardware acceleration with the 
Nvidia  GPU and current Apple drivers all working? I am getting ready to 
buy one and I just want to make sure, since one of my primary uses will 
be ParaView visualization of CFD results.
ParaView never did correctly use the hardware in my last trusty laptop 
(Dell M50) ,although it does have a good Nvidia chip set.  (Not 
complaining, I just want to make sure I get a working hardware/driver 
combo this time..)

   Thanks for any feedback.

Dan Goldstein

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