[Paraview] Configuring ParaView with OpenMPI

Cally K kalpana0611 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 16 00:17:53 EDT 2008

hi, thanks for the information, it's just that I am having some problem
configuring paraview with openmpi

I have set my cmake variables as such :









And this is how I build my openmpi

./configure --prefix=/home/kalpanak/Installation_Files/OpenMPI/openmpibuild

I have added the bin to the path and lib to the ld_library_path

What am I doing wrong..

I keep getting errors when I used only libmpi.a, then I came across

this link, and I modified my configuration to the same information on the
website and I still receive errors., something to do with pthread_fork….

Do you think it's the openmpi version, conflicts with Paraview 3.2.1
maybe...?, am using openmpi-1.2.5

On 4/16/08, Kent Eschenberg <eschenbe at psc.edu> wrote:
> Cally K wrote:
> > Was just wondering how do I configure Paraview3.2.1 with open mpi,
> >  my  MPI_LIBRARY= points to libmpi.a
> >  but I left the mpi_extra_library path empty,should I fill up this.
> >
> Cally, there is no general answer to your question. Different
> implementations of MPI require different things. You need to learn what
> files a C++ program using your MPI needs when linking. Be sure to include
> your MPI library for C++, if there is one.
> For example, on one of our Linux clusters:
> /usr/local/packages/mvapich2/lib/libmpich.so
> -L/usr/local/packages/mvapich2/lib;-Wl,-rpath;-Wl,/usr/local/packages/mvapich2/lib;-lmpichcxx;-lmpich;-L/usr/lib64;-lrdmacm;-libverbs;-l
> ibumad;-lpthread;-lrt
> Kent
> Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center
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