[Paraview] CMake Doesn't Use Correct Qt Building 3.2b

Kent Eschenberg eschenbe at psc.edu
Thu Nov 15 15:41:14 EST 2007

I have both Qt 4.2.2 and Qt 4.3.2 in /usr/local and set QT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE to 
the qmake in 4.2.2. But after it all compiled weird things happened such as the 
problem posted as "_ZN11QHeaderView5resetEv Where Are You?".

In CMakeCache.txt I found that QT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE is indeed the value I set 
but all the other Qt values were set to items in 4.3.2. That doesn't seem right 
-- cmake should use the path I gave it.

I'm going to have to temporary hide Qt 4.3.2 (which will temporarily break 
other applications) and rebuild the whole thing.

Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center

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