[Paraview] PV3 questions

Randy Heiland heiland at indiana.edu
Tue Apr 3 09:12:29 EDT 2007

I've begun playing around with PV3 and have downloaded the latest alpha
(2.9.9) binary for Linux.  Should I expect the pvserver to run in parallel
and, if so, are there requirements for my installed MPI?  E.g., I am running
LAM/MPI and when I try:
% mpirun -np 2 pvserver

I get:
Listen on port: 11111
ERROR: In /home/berk/.../vtkProcessModuleConnectionManager.cxx, line 180
... Failed to set up server socket.

An unrelated question - can I/how can I turn off auto-update in the client?
E.g., if I want to edit a color map, but don't want changes to happen

What's the timeframe on a PV3 book - or does it not differ significantly
from PV2 to warrant one?

Thanks, Randy

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