[Paraview] Syntax Error when generating ClientServer code

Mike Jackson mike.jackson at imts.us
Tue Oct 31 11:05:01 EST 2006

In my header file I have:

#ifndef __PrdsThreshold_h

#define __PrdsThreshold_h

#include "vtkUnstructuredGridAlgorithm.h"

class PrdsThreshold  : public


And when make tries to generate the ClientServer code I get the following

*** SYNTAX ERROR found in parsing the header file
/Users/mjackson/Projects/Task_4/DVParaview/PrdsThreshold.h before line 9
syntax error

Which isn't telling me much. I am working off of an example and comparing
the code against the example doesn't enlighten me to the problem. Could some
one take pitty on my and show me the stupid mistake that I am making?

Mike Jackson   Senior Research Engineer
Innovative Management & Technology Services

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