[Paraview] Batch, X and MPI

Kent Eschenberg eschenbe at psc.edu
Mon Oct 9 13:46:20 EDT 2006

I'd like to run pvbatch on a system that doesn't have an X server. It seems like this should work since the CMake flags were set to use Mesa.

However, pvbatch fails in vtkXOpenGLRenderWindow.cxx with the message "bad X server".

On that same system pvserver works just fine, with either compositing or with rendering at the client.

Should pvbatch be even looking for an X server? If not then could someone suggest a few CMake settings to adjust?

On a releated note ...

Can pvbatch run in parallel? I've made 2 sets of PV binaries, with and without MPI. pvbatch is present in the bin directory in both cases.


System: HP/Compaq/DEC Tru64; a great many Alpha processors
ParaView: 2.4.4 compiled from source

A few values from CMakeCache.txt (non-mpi version):



Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center

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