[Paraview] Linking Paraview with already installed libraries

Francesco Poli frx at firenze.linux.it
Thu Oct 5 13:52:59 EDT 2006

On Wed, 4 Oct 2006 20:06:05 -0400 Berk Geveci wrote:

> Let me try to explain better:

I see.

> When ParaView release cycle slows down and can match VTK's in the
> future, we will consider synchronizing the two.

I would consider this as a high priority task...

> As for Tk, we are
> switching to Qt and we will not include Qt in the ParaView source.
> Therefore, it will be possible to link against an external Qt.


> As for Debian packages,  it should be possible to include the VTK that
> ParaView needs in such a package. If the issue is naming conflicts, we
> can change the cmake scripts to name ParaView's VTK libraries
> appropriately to avoid conflicts.

Let me clarify: IANADD (I Am Not A Debian Developer), so I'm not
absolutely sure, but I think the issue would not be naming conflicts[1],
but lack of proper modularization.
Having a second VTK version in Debian would mean extra work to do, but
could be manageable (if there are good reasons).  What I think would be
seen as problematic is having to package Paraview *together* with its
needed VTK (that is, in the same source package).

[1] the issue can be handled in a sane way: there are already cases of
libraries that are packaged for Debian in multiple versions; for
instance, Debian sarge includes tcl8.0, tcl8.3, and tcl8.4

But it is also tradition that times *must* and always
do change, my friend.   -- from _Coming to America_
..................................................... Francesco Poli .
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