[Paraview] Problem with big files

Berk Geveci berk.geveci at gmail.com
Wed Mar 29 10:02:14 EST 2006

When you say "the file does not work", do you mean that it fails when
you load the file or after you apply some filter?


On 29 Mar 2006 14:14:51 -0000, Christoph Moder <mail at christoph-moder.de> wrote:
> Hi!
> I have problems loading big files with Paraview. I have asked a similar
> question already some weeks ago; but then I have found out that the
> errors I get must have different causes. So I ask again, this time more
> tightly focused.
> I have a binary data file (unstructured grid) in different resolutions.
> The smaller versions of the file work well, up to a grid size of 5.5
> million points/10.5 million cells (file size: 400 MB). But the file
> with the highest resolution, with 10.8 million grid points and 21
> million cells (file size: 800 MB), does not work. Paraview fails with
> the following error message:
> ========
> There was a VTK Error in file:
> /home/moder/paraview-3D/paraview-2.4.3-clone2/GUI/Client/vtkPVApplication.cxx
> (1732)
>  vtkPVApplication (0xb4fc208): TclTk error: Uncaught exception:
> St9bad_alloc
>  Uncaught exception: St9bad_alloc
>     while executing
> \"vtkTemp2 OpenCallback\"
>     invoked from within
> \".paraview.#paraview#2.#paraview#2#17 invoke active\"
>     (\"uplevel\" body line 1)
>     invoked from within
> \"uplevel #0 [list $w invoke active]\"
>     (procedure \"tk::MenuInvoke\" line 47)
>     invoked from within
> \"tk::MenuInvoke .paraview.#paraview#2.#paraview#2#17 1\"
>     (command bound to event)
> ========
> It sounds as if there was not enough memory -- but the computer has 2
> GB RAM plus 3 GB swap space, this should be really enough.
> Does anyone know why this does not work? Is there any size limit? How
> big are the data files that you process?
> Thanks,
> Christoph
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