[Paraview] 3D: change of eye distance

Christoph Moder mail at christoph-moder.de
Tue Jan 31 04:19:42 EST 2006


When using Paraview with 3D glasses and zooming close to the object, it 
is difficult to maintain the 3D effect because the two images differ so 
much (looking at them is exhausting). I want to zoom in by changing the 
focal length, not the distance to the object. I have looked in the 
source code and found the file VTK/Rendering/vtkCamera.cxx with the 
statement "this->EyeAngle = 2.0". I have changed it to "= 0.5" which 
does help, but is it actually "the right way" or is there any official 
solution that I have overlooked (since I have only few experience with 


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