[Paraview] Ensight measured/particle file format and paraview

Viksit Gaur vik.list.vtk at gmail.com
Sat Feb 25 02:30:04 EST 2006

Hi again all,

I recently got back to tackle my original problem of simulating a 
particle system using paraview. I was just going through some old emails 
which I'd talked to Renato and Samuel in.. and read through a lot of the 
documentation too.

I've since come to the conclusion that the VTK XML files are of not too 
much to use to me, since I expect to have upwards of 100,000 particles 
in the system. I then looked at the Fortran routines available at 
Renato's webpage, as well as the documentation available on the gold 
file format.

The Ensight Gold measured/particle file format featured in section 11.1 
of the manual seems to be exactly what i need...

A description line
particle coordinates
id xcoord ycoord zcoord
id xcoord ycoord zcoord

Well, has anyone worked with this before? Have you been successful in 
reading these files into paraview? (I haven't, hence the question). 
Also, are these files binary, or ASCII?

I also remember Sam Key talking about cells, and other structures used 
to simulate and represent data in 3D. Are those necessary if this format 
already exists?

[My intention, is to have a number of time steps for a particle system 
with say n particles, and over each step, the X, Y and Z coordinates of 
the particles change. This when run as an animation, with some suitable 
glyphs should (hopefully) do what I expect it to.. simulate the movement 
of the system.]


Viksit Gaur
Deptt. of Computer Science
Yale University

me at viksit dot com

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