[Paraview] How does one add a Mapper to ParaView?

Jon Woodring woodring at lanl.gov
Thu Aug 3 15:03:52 EDT 2006

I've found the documentation in the Wiki and there doesn't seem to be 
any (easy) way to add a Mapper to ParaView.

I have been able to compile a stand alone PV module, and my Mapper works 
fine in a stand alone VTK program.

I have been able to generate the .pvsm for the module, but the hitch 
comes to creating the .xml descriptor for the client.

Where do I go from here?  It it something that I am missing in the 
client?  In the existing .xml files in the ParaView source, I do not see 
any that describe the Mappers, though the .pvsm for the Mappers are 
present for the server.  How do I hook in a new Mapper for the client?

Am I to assume that only readers, writers, and filters can be added to 
ParaView at run time?  Thus, do I need to hack ParaView if I want it to 
display data in a different method (use my Mapper)?


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