[Paraview] pvs version compatibility

Thierry Dubuis tdubuis at scconsultants.com
Mon Sep 12 08:03:42 EDT 2005


I see in the last version 2.2.1 of Paraview, I can't load the pvs files generate with a previous version 1.8 and 2.0 too.
I use pvs and I build a set of pvs to load automatically some computation results with the good set of command.

So must I rebuild all my pvs with the lastest version or it's Paraview bug which will be corrected ?
And in the futur, will you insure the compatibility with the previous version of pvs files ?

Best regards,
Thierry Dubuis
Sciences & Computer Consultants
Tel Dir  : 04 77 49 75 84
Tel Std : 04 77 49 75 80
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