[Paraview] AMR reader - a few questions

Berk Geveci berk.geveci at gmail.com
Thu Jun 9 10:35:44 EDT 2005

Hi Randy,

> I use the contour and cutting filters right now on the vtkUnstructuredGrid output of my current reader.
> 1)  Will I be able to apply those to the AMR structure?

Yes. It should also be way faster.

> 2)  Will I also be able to do clipping, streamlines of vector data, data probing and volume rendering?

I am working on streamlines and probing. Lisa and Yogi are working on
volume rendering.

 > For my current reader, paraview keeps track of multiple scalar
variables that are attributes of the same grid.
> 1)  Will the same happen with the AMR structure, or must I take care of that myself?

You don't have to do anything.

The advantages of using the AMR structure are:
* A lot more memory efficient than unstructured
* A lot more cpu efficient
* The data structure visualized is much closer to the simulation data
structure. It is possible to extract levels, blocks etc.. without
recreating an unstructured grid.
* Algorithms based on structured data will work better (for example
volume rendering)


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