[Paraview] Questionable Code in 2.2.1

Kent Eschenberg eschenbe at psc.edu
Mon Aug 8 08:54:54 EDT 2005


While compiling ParaView 2.2.1 on our Tru64 system using the native 
(HP/Compaq/DEC) compiler the following warning was produced:

cc: Warning: 
line 1322: In this statement, the expression 
"(error=((error=(FT_Alloc(...)))!=0))" modifies the variable "error" more 
than once without an intervening sequence point.  This behavior is 
undefined. (undefvarmod)
    if ( ( error = FT_NEW_ARRAY( delta_xy, n_points ) ) )

This looks like it should be fixed.

- - -
Kent Eschenberg   eschenbe at psc.edu   (412)268-6829
Scientific Visualization Specialist
Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center

There are only 10 types of people in the world.
Those who understand binary and those who don't.

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