[Paraview] custom colormaps/lookup tables... using batch?

santiago v lombeyda slombey at cacr.caltech.edu
Mon Nov 22 18:11:24 EST 2004

	i need to be able to use specific colormaps that
	do not have a linear HSB equivalents. though such
	may currently not be possible _within_ paraview, is
	it possible to modify a batch script dumped from
	paraview to do this? something like:

set pvTemp218 [$proxyManager NewProxy lookup_tables LookupTable]
  $proxyManager RegisterProxy lookup_tables pvTemp218 $pvTemp218
  $pvTemp218 UnRegister {}
  [$pvTemp218 GetProperty NumberOfTableValues] SetElements1 256
  [$pvTemp218 GetProperty HueRange] SetElements2 0 0.333333
  [$pvTemp218 GetProperty SaturationRange] SetElements2 1 1
  [$pvTemp218 GetProperty ValueRange] SetElements2 1 1
  [$pvTemp218 GetProperty ScalarRange] SetElements2 -1.79864 1.06823
  [$pvTemp218 GetProperty VectorComponent] SetElements1 0
  [$pvTemp218 GetProperty VectorMode] SetElements1 0
    for {set i 0} {$i < 256} {incr i 1} {
       $pvTemp218 SetTableValue  $i [$i/255] [1-$i/255] 0 1
       #[$pvTemp218 GetProperty SetTableValue] SetElements5 $i ...
       #[$pvTemp218 GetObject] SetTableValue $i ...
  $pvTemp218 UpdateVTKObjects
  $pvTemp218 Build

	i guess i mostly do not understand the object proxies,
	and what is exposed as far as vtkLookupTables that i
	can get a handle on and modify manually...

	(i am using version 1.7 under linux)


	- santiago

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