[Paraview] Creating a reader for Paraview

Rupert Shute Rupert.Shute at awe.co.uk
Tue May 25 10:14:08 EDT 2004

   I am trying to write data reader to plug into Paraview. I have
successfully created a vtk class called 'vtkLSPReader' (inheriting from
vtkDataSetSource), TCL wrapped it and created an XML description file.
However, when I start Paraview I get the following error message:

Error: In ParaView/ClientServer/vtkClientServerInterpreter.cxx, line 840 ...
: Cannot find function "vtkLSPReaderTCL_Initialize" in libvtkLSPReaderTCL.so

I have tried adding a function called 'Initialize' to my class (even though
I don't think it needs one) but I still get the same error.

I'm using Paraview 1.2 and use the VTK and TCL/TK source that came with it
to build my data reader.

Anyone got any ideas how I can get this working.


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