[Paraview] ParaView on the Mac

Jon H Kaspersen Jon.H.Kaspersen at sintef.no
Thu Dec 16 09:14:26 EST 2004


Removing the source code in /ParaView/Utilities/TclTk and hacking the
CMakeCache file to use the installed TclTk version instead did the 
I have a Carbon ParaView running on the Mac now.  There are a few minor 
refresh issues, but apart from that it works.

I also did an Experimental build, so you can see the result on the 
dashboard in
an hour or so.

On Dec 15, 2004, at 9:59 PM, Mathieu Malaterre wrote:

> Jon H Kaspersen wrote:
>> OK Mathieu,
>> It seems that ParaView insists on building its own TclTk lib, even if
>> I change the CMakeCache values (the once that I know must be change, 
>> but
>> there might be others).
> Then go to ParaView/Utilities/TclTk and remove everything:
> cd ParaView/Utilities/TclTk
> rm -rf *
> HTH,
> Mathieu
Jon Harald Kaspersen                        Mob:	   +47 93 03 65 90
Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering	
Senior Scientist
N-7465 Trondheim
NORWAY			e-mail:	Jon.H.Kaspersen at sintef.no
				WEB:	http://www.sintef.no/medtek

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