[Paraview] Are GetMacro/SetMacro Necessary for Source Modules?

Andy Cedilnik andy . cedilnik at kitware . com
17 Jul 2003 16:11:16 -0400

Hi Daniel,

I do not think there is a 3x3 vector entry. You could look at
vtkPVVectorEntry and write one. Also, if possible, you could add
interface to your class which will allow specifying tensor in
components. Also, we probably should add a way for vector to wrap lines.
Maybe SetNumberOfEntriesInLine?

About DTD, there is none. One of the problems is that things like
VectorEntry etc are used to create widgets, so if you add new widget you
can use it right away.


On Thu, 2003-07-17 at 15:53, godach at juno . com wrote:
> Thanks for your explanation. Sorry, I meant DTD or Schema when saying 
> XML definitions for the module interfaces. I would like to learn, 
> for example, how to provide 3-by-3 entries that correspond to a 
> tensor. Coz from my initial study of the module interfaces, I have 
> to specify length=9 in VectorEntry, but its seems the result would be 
> a line of 9 entries which I don't desire. I guess to achieve that I 
> may need to provide three vector entries. But my understanding is 
> still shallow, so I appreciate if anyone could kindly point me to 
> the resources. Thanks!