I'd like to change ParaView's default behavior of the contour filter. Currently the default is to compute normals and not compute gradients or scalars. These defaults are only used for structured data sets (i.e. vtkStructuredGrid, vtkImageData, and vtkRectilinearGrid) and are not options when isosurfacing for vtkPolyData or vtkUnstructuredGrids. When the input data set is a multiblock data set that contains both structured and unstructured data sets the output for the current code results in a multiblock data set with partial arrays (Normals for the structured data sets and the contoured variable for the unstructured data sets). The change I'd like to make is to make Compute Normals off by default and Compute Scalars on by default so that the output is a bit more consistent.<br>
<br>Does anyone think that this is a significant change and shouldn't be done?<br><br>Thanks,<br>Andy<br>