[Paraview-developers] Buildbot update

Ben Boeckel ben.boeckel at kitware.com
Thu Sep 29 08:56:31 EDT 2016


We've restructured the buildbots a bit to reduce the amount of work they
need to do. Here's a rundown of the changes:


  - ista: removed build since it was a subset of trey's build;
  - megas: the old +extdeps+opengl1+openmp build is now split:
    - openmp moved to dejagore;
    - the +python3 build now additionally tests +extdeps+mpi+python+qt5;
    - all GPURayCast (and GPUVolumeRayCast) tests are excluded (rather
      than doing them one-by-one); and
  - dejagore: now tests +openmp from megas' old build.


  - amber8: removed a build which was a subset of another amber8 build
    (+offscreen+osmesa vs. +gui+mpi+offscreen+osmesa);
  - miranda: removed a build which was (essentially) the same as a
    nemesis build;
  - ista: now building trey's paraview configuration; and
  - blight: merge two static/release and shared/debug builds into a
    static/debug build.

Hopefully this should alleviate pressure from some of our more loaded

Also, we've finally fixed the gitlab checkmark reporting that broke in
some Gitlab update some time ago, so you should now see reports from
buildbot on merge requests again (though there seem to be some oddities
yet, we still need to track those down).



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