[Paraview-developers] Troubles compiling Paraview on Windows

PULVERAIL, Sebastien sebastien.pulverail at sogeti.com
Thu May 7 05:59:46 EDT 2015


I'm facing some serious troubles trying to compile ParaView on Windows.
Note that the same compilation on a Linux environment with GNU instead of mingw works.

Here is the environment I use:

-          QtCreator 3.3.1 or Eclipse Luna 4.4

-          QT 4.8.6

-          CMake 2.8

-          MinGW 4.4

-          Paraview 4.3.1

1/ I run the CMake operation and I can correctly generate the makefiles.
2/ I import the project either on QtCreator or Eclipse => I got the same error at the end.
3/ I launch a full compilation but I first have some code modifications to do :

-          subprocess.h : change "static string Subprocess::Win32ErrorMessage(DWORD error_code);" to "static string Win32ErrorMessage(DWORD error_code);" to avoid extra configuration error

-          H5.c : add macro "#if !defined(OPJ_STATIC) && !defined(__MINGW32__)" around DllMain function to avoid multiple definition

-          paraview_main.cxx : change "#if !defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__)" to "#if !defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__) || defined(__MINGW32__)" to avoid unknown function _dupenv_s

All of this leads to the following error message at the end of the build process :
    Scanning dependencies of target paraview
     [100%] Building CXX object Applications/ParaView/CMakeFiles/paraview.dir/paraview_main.cxx.obj
     [100%] Building RC object Applications/ParaView/CMakeFiles/paraview.dir/Icon.rc.obj
    Command line is too long.
    C:\MinGW\bin\windres.exe: preprocessing failed.
    Applications\ParaView\CMakeFiles\paraview.dir\build.make:105: recipe for target 'Applications/ParaView/CMakeFiles/paraview.dir/Icon.rc.obj' failed
    mingw32-make[2]: *** [Applications/ParaView/CMakeFiles/paraview.dir/Icon.rc.obj] Error 1
    CMakeFiles\Makefile2:16792: recipe for target 'Applications/ParaView/CMakeFiles/paraview.dir/all' failed
    Makefile:115: recipe for target 'all' failed
    mingw32-make[1]: *** [Applications/ParaView/CMakeFiles/paraview.dir/all] Error 2
    mingw32-make: *** [all] Error 2
    22:01:07: Process "C:\MinGW\bin\mingw32-make.exe" exit with code 2.
    Error compiling/deploying project ParaView (kit : MinGW)
    When executing step "Make"

Indeed, when I look to the command line, it is very very long: between 20000 and 29000 characters depending on where I put the paraview build directory.

Thank you in advance for your help.

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