[Paraview-developers] vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline::EXTENT_TRANSLATOR

Biddiscombe, John A. biddisco at cscs.ch
Wed Aug 27 07:46:53 EDT 2014


OK. I see how the piece requests change, but I was using the extent translator to pass bounds information and (more importantly) a PKdTree (from Zoltan) downstream to the compositing engine to stop it from instantiating the D3 filter and performing a redundant and slow repartition when I enable transparency. My Zoltan partitioner used to add an extent translator (also containgin the KdTree) to the information in the pipeline, which the compositing code could detect and act appropriately (with some minor tweaks).

Has the compositing code been enhanced in any way to make use of partitioning information that I can piggy-back for my needs?


From: Berk Geveci [mailto:berk.geveci at kitware.com]
Sent: 27 August 2014 13:36
To: Biddiscombe, John A.
Cc: vtk-developers at vtk.org; paraview-developers at paraview.org
Subject: Re: [Paraview-developers] vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline::EXTENT_TRANSLATOR

Hi John,

Check out:


Overall, load balancing should be much easier now. The reader can make arbitrary partitioning decisions but can still get requests from downstream about partitioning. Two main strategies:

- Downstream send extent + piece requests, reader does its own partitioning based on these two
- Downstream send specific extent requests to each rank (and no piece)

The first one is appropriate to ParaView.

This is much more robust and works through extract vois with subsampling etc. Something that never worked well in parallel.


On Wed, Aug 27, 2014 at 3:16 AM, Biddiscombe, John A. <biddisco at cscs.ch<mailto:biddisco at cscs.ch>> wrote:
Recompiling my Paraview plugins against the latest version, I find that many of the vtk::Keys I use frequently are gone.

In order to handle my dynamic load balancing, I use the extent translators (particularly my own custom ones) continuously.

Is there a replacement for this?



John Biddiscombe,                        email:biddisco @.at.@ cscs.ch<http://cscs.ch>
CSCS, Swiss National Supercomputing Centre  | Tel:  +41 (91) 610.82.07<tel:%2B41%20%2891%29%20610.82.07>
Via Trevano 131, 6900 Lugano, Switzerland   | Fax:  +41 (91) 610.82.82<tel:%2B41%20%2891%29%20610.82.82>

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