[Openchemistry-developers] Difficulty building a local copy of the rdkit repo

Krishna Swaroop K kkrishnaswaroop99 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 4 12:15:05 EST 2019

Hello everyone!
                        I'm Krishna Swaroop and in the previous email, I
have expressed interest in contributing to the rdkit project. I have been
asked to build a local copy but I'm facing difficulty in following the
instructions given in the installation doc in the README. I have used the
"Cross-Platform under anaconda python (fastest install)" and I'm using
ubuntu. I have downloaded and installed all the dependencies and other
requirements. The problem is, I'm not able to build it. I have tried
running the command "autoreconf --install", but there is no configure.ac or
configure.in inside the directory. How do i overcome this? The
documentation isn't very clear on this. It states "and finally, make, make
install and ctest". It doesnt elaborate on whats the correct procedure.
Helping me in this would be really beneficial for me as I'm very much
interested to contribute to this project.
                     Also, it would be great if someone sends me a slack
invite as it would give me a better perspective on the things to be worked
on and how i could be a better help to the organization.

K Krishna Swaroop
BTech Freshmen Year Student
Contact- +91 9482403590
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