[Midas] duplicate filename items?

Mona Wong mona at sdsc.edu
Mon Oct 22 17:44:40 EDT 2012

Hi Patrick & Michael:

	Ok, I have a bit more information about the duplicate filenames issue:

	1.  For the same code, it is inconsistent...sometimes it duplicate filenames and sometimes it appends the (#)...hard to debug, I know, sorry.  Attached is an image that shows both duplicate filename and files with (#) appended:

	2.  Here is the sequence of code steps:

		a. https://ourserver.edu/api/json?method=midas.item.create&useSession&parentid=679&name=rkd2_merged_phase001.nii.axml&privacy=Private

		b.  https://ourserver.edu/api/json?method=midas.upload.generatetoken&useSession&itemid=62933&filename=rkd2_merged_phase001.nii.axml (20)

		c. https://ourserver.edu/api/json?method=midas.upload.perform&uploadtoken=13/62933/rkd2_merged_phase001.nii.axml (20)f4QDTF&filename=rkd2_merged_phase001.nii.axml (20)&length=838&folderid=null&itemid=62933

		d. https://ourserver.edu/api/json?method=midas.item.create&useSession&name=rkd2_merged_phase001.nii.axml (20)&uuid=5085ba73ceaab2c352eb7122e0979f664998e7e152e1d&privacy=Private&_user name=Mona Wong&_timestamp=10/22/2012 14:28&_ontology term 1=mid myocardium

	Of course, the above steps created the corrected filename (with (20) appended).  Though it is the same steps that sometimes create files with duplicate name.  If I can find a pattern that can reliably reproduce the duplicate filenames, I'll let you know.


On Oct 22, 2012, at 7:24 AM, Michael Grauer wrote:

> Hi Mona,
> Can you describe how you are getting to this and what the exact problem would be with how your users would interact with Midas when they encounter this situation?
> I just tested with a Midas 3.2.8 instance.  I could upload a file into a folder where an item "item1.txt" already existed with that name, using the Midas web UI uploader, and the new item was created as "item1.txt (1)".  I also tried this with the latest version of Pydas (0.2.24), and again the item name had a numeric suffix, "item1.txt (2)".  Once I had these items in the folder, I was able to change their names using the edit action on the Item so that all of the item names were the same.
> Thanks,
> Mike

    Mona Wong
    Web & iPad Application Developer
    San Diego Supercomputer Center

    "Forgive everyone everything."
				-- Regina Brett

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