[Midas] cloning data

Krueger (Chad D.) krueger at neurosurgery.wisc.edu
Fri Mar 9 18:03:31 EST 2012

I'm trying to use MIDASDesktop 1.5 to download all my data.  I am using MIDAS 2.7.

I can connect to the server, however when I tell it to pull it down, it looks like it is working, it creates local files for each file, however they are each only 108 bytes when they should be several hundred MB.  Does anyone have any ideas why this is occurring?

I see there is a lot newer version.  Am I going to be forced to upgrade everything to get it to work?  I'm afraid of breaking it all by doing that.


Chad Krueger
Information Systems Manager
University of Wisconsin - Madison
School of Medicine and Public Health
Department of Neurosurgery

Office: K4/868
Tel: 608 265-0458
krueger at neurosurgery.wisc.edu<mailto:krueger at neurosurgery.wisc.edu>

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