<div dir="ltr">Hi guys,<div>I am working on replicating this image registration metric on gpu and has some questions that I want to ask. </div><div><br></div><div>In both of the UpdateQueue functions I saw a line like this:</div><div>......</div><div>for ( SizeValueType indct = i; indct < hoodlen; indct += ( diameter + NumericTraits<SizeValueType>::OneValue() ) )<br></div><div>......</div><div><br></div><div>Why the index is incremented by the diameter of the NCC window instead of by 1? Isn't this suppose accumulate local pixel values for reuse purpose?</div><div>Also why there is only one for loop here? How do they handle 3D data in this case?</div><div><br></div><div>I read the original paper and they are trying to cache the local sum value (for example for a 7 by 7 window they are supposed to accumulate 7by1 column window, that each time it proceeds it only has to recompute the next 7by1 column instead of the full 7by7 window).  </div><div><br></div><div>Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks!</div></div>