1- QT has cought an exception thrown from an event handler. throwning exceptions from an event handler is not supported in QT. you must reimplement QApplication<>:Notify and catch all exceptions there. 2- itkImportImageContainer.hxx -> throw MemoryAllocationError(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Failed to allocate memory for image.", ITK_LOCATION); } > main.exe!itk::ImportImageContainer::AllocateElements(unsigned long size, bool UseDefaultConstructor) Line 203 + 0x8a bytes C++ 3- itkImportImageContainer.hxx-> m_ImportPointer = this->AllocateElements(size, UseDefaultConstructor); > main.exe!itk::ImportImageContainer::Reserve(unsigned long size, const bool UseDefaultConstructor) Line 90 + 0xc bytes C++ 4- itkImage.hxx -> this->ComputeOffsetTable(); > main.exe!itk::Image::Allocate(bool initializePixels) Line 53 C++